Cast: Kakizaki Masasumi

  • Green Blood

    The end of the civil war signaled the start of the industrial revolution in the United States and immigrants from all over the world traveled to find their American dream. But what awaited the majority of them was poverty, discrimination, and hopelessness. Manhattan, New York was full of immigrants flooding through the ports and the 6th district, Five Points, was considered at the time, the world’s worst slum. The mobsters corrupted the entire area, including the police by paying them off; Five Points was the mob’s territory and they were the law.But even Five Points, where there seemed to be nothing but robbery, prostitution, and murder, showed some signs of hope. Luke Burns was an honest and righteous teenager who realized that the mob was the cause of their harsh lifestyle and that joining the mobsters would not bring him the American dream. But his older brother, Brad Burns, had become an assassin for the biggest mob group of Five Points, the Grave Diggers, a secret he kept from Luke for his own protection. Brad was known as the Grim Reaper and his reputation preceded him as a ruthless and skilled killer. [vyc]

    The end of the civil war signaled the start of the industrial revolution in the United States and immigrants from all over the world traveled to find their American dream. But what awaited the majority of them was poverty, discrimination, and hopelessness. Manhattan, New York was full of immigrants flooding through the ports and the 6th district, Five Points, was considered at the time, the world’s worst slum. The mobsters corrupted the entire area, including the police by paying them off; Five Points was the mob’s territory and they were the law.But even Five Points, where there seemed to be nothing but robbery, prostitution, and murder, showed some signs of hope. Luke Burns was an honest and righteous teenager who realized that the mob was the cause of their harsh lifestyle and that joining the mobsters would not bring him the American dream. But his older brother, Brad Burns, had become an assassin for the biggest mob group of Five Points, the Grave Diggers, a secret he kept from Luke for his own protection. Brad was known as the Grim Reaper and his reputation preceded him as a ruthless and skilled killer. [vyc]

  • Hideout

    It is a very dark night. Under a heavy rain, a determined man sets out to track his terrified victim. The decision of Kirishima Seiichi is clear: Tonight, he will kill his wife.A year ago, he was a happy man - a successful writer, a contented husband, and a father of a young boy... at that time, everything seemed going well for him. But such happiness had to end. The day his editor put an end to their collaboration, darkness seeped into his life faster than a bullet. A terrifying descent into hell commences, page by page of what it seems to be his last novel...

    It is a very dark night. Under a heavy rain, a determined man sets out to track his terrified victim. The decision of Kirishima Seiichi is clear: Tonight, he will kill his wife.A year ago, he was a happy man - a successful writer, a contented husband, and a father of a young boy... at that time, everything seemed going well for him. But such happiness had to end. The day his editor put an end to their collaboration, darkness seeped into his life faster than a bullet. A terrifying descent into hell commences, page by page of what it seems to be his last novel...

  • Kansen Rettou

    3 January 2011. ER doctor Matsuoka Tsuyoshi examines a patient presenting influenza symptoms. The next day, the patient dies from multiple-organ failure, followed by others who had shown the same symptoms. As the death toll rises, even the high-tech Japanese are at a loss over how to check the further spread of the deadly virus

    3 January 2011. ER doctor Matsuoka Tsuyoshi examines a patient presenting influenza symptoms. The next day, the patient dies from multiple-organ failure, followed by others who had shown the same symptoms. As the death toll rises, even the high-tech Japanese are at a loss over how to check the further spread of the deadly virus

  • Rainbow

    Six minors (16 or 17 years) answering to the nicknames of Joe, Mario, Suppon, Baremoto, Biceps and Cauliflower are put into a reformatory for offenses such as aggravated assault, swindle, flight, etc. Their stay in hell begins immediately. Accommodated by a doctor pedophile, they are placed under the monitoring of a despotic and brutal crew. Companions of cell of certain Sakuragi (called Anchan), the tension flares up between the band of buddies and their new "friend". A brawl breaks out and our six prisoners are done rossés by mysterious young man thanks to his boxing talent.The story will not only follow the lives of these seven characters surviving in their hellish environment, but also their disillusions due to the rejection by the outside world and by their close relations. This is about the extraordinary and invincible friendships between these young men. 

    Six minors (16 or 17 years) answering to the nicknames of Joe, Mario, Suppon, Baremoto, Biceps and Cauliflower are put into a reformatory for offenses such as aggravated assault, swindle, flight, etc. Their stay in hell begins immediately. Accommodated by a doctor pedophile, they are placed under the monitoring of a despotic and brutal crew. Companions of cell of certain Sakuragi (called Anchan), the tension flares up between the band of buddies and their new "friend". A brawl breaks out and our six prisoners are done rossés by mysterious young man thanks to his boxing talent.The story will not only follow the lives of these seven characters surviving in their hellish environment, but also their disillusions due to the rejection by the outside world and by their close relations. This is about the extraordinary and invincible friendships between these young men. 

  • Toujuushi

    70 A.D. The Roman army has conquered almost all of the human civilization, now they move towards non-humans orcs and wyverns. Durandal, last of wyverns has trained son of the man who it killed. Fin, orpahan and a slave, who wishes to see the outside world.

    70 A.D. The Roman army has conquered almost all of the human civilization, now they move towards non-humans orcs and wyverns. Durandal, last of wyverns has trained son of the man who it killed. Fin, orpahan and a slave, who wishes to see the outside world.


  • Toujuushi Bestialious

    70 A.D. The Roman army has conquered almost all of the human civilization, now they move towards non-humans orcs and wyverns. Durandal, last of wyverns has trained son of the man who it killed. Fin, orpahan and a slave, who wishes to see the outside world.

    70 A.D. The Roman army has conquered almost all of the human civilization, now they move towards non-humans orcs and wyverns. Durandal, last of wyverns has trained son of the man who it killed. Fin, orpahan and a slave, who wishes to see the outside world.

  • Yomotsuhegui: Fruit of the Underworld

    x-policeman Kanetsugu Nawa is a model prisoner, imprisoned for murder and attempted murder in an act of revenge for his late wife and daughter. After being released on parole and shunned by his only remaining family, he returns to the only thing he has left; his revenge. A strange young girl follows him upon his release, seemingly with an ulterior motive...

    x-policeman Kanetsugu Nawa is a model prisoner, imprisoned for murder and attempted murder in an act of revenge for his late wife and daughter. After being released on parole and shunned by his only remaining family, he returns to the only thing he has left; his revenge. A strange young girl follows him upon his release, seemingly with an ulterior motive...
